Sunshine Islands Bus Simulator Wiki

Inter-zone route R370 is operated by Roblox Express Bus Company and Horizon Group, travelling from Praya YiYan Road to Dove Park, via Leafy Bay, Normal Gap, Rainbow, Haisey, East Door, Senpai, Kamaya and Zone 7 Interchange.

This route only runs before the Sunshine Marathon, taking Zone 7 residents and visitors to Dove Park, where is the starting point of the race.


  • On 1 June 2024, R370 started its service.


This route only operates on the midnight or morning before the start of the Sunshine Marathon. Frequencies and vehicle allocations will depend on passenger demand.


Full Fare : $36.3

R370 is not included in the Zone 7 Interchange BBI Discount scheme. Interchanging from R370 to all other routes or from other routes to R370 cannot enjoy any BBI discount.


HorizonLogo/RebcLogo Bus Route R370 (Praya YiYan RoadDove Park)
No Place Street Name Stop Name (English) Stop Name (Chinese) Note
1 Zone 7


Praya YiYan Road 葉欣海旁道
2 YiYan Praya Road Southern Building 南洋大廈
3 Rainbow Plaza 彩虹廣場
4 YiYan Road YiYan Park 葉欣公園
5 Diamond Trading Tower 鑽石交易塔
6 CSB Depot 際巴車廠
7 Sony Street YiYan Estate Block 4 葉欣邨第四座
8 YiYan Estate Block 1 葉欣邨第一座
StratRt4Senpai Bypass, Leafy Road
9 Zone 7

(Leafy Bay)

Leafy Road Leafy Bay Garden 葉角花園
10 Nicole Circuit Leafy Bay Estate Shopping Center 葉角灣邨商場
11 Leafy Bay Estate 葉角灣邨
12 Yancord Street Leafy Hospital 葉角醫院
13 Leafy Road Middle Garden 中間花園
14 Zone 7

(Normal Gap)

Mo Shopping Center 勿莫商場
15 Mo Street Mo Market 勿莫街市
16 Zone 7

(East Door)

East Door Road East Door Park 東門公園
17 Estate Road East Door Estate 東門邨
18 Zone 7


Redbean Center 紅豆商場
19 Rainbow Estate 彩虹邨
20 Sabow Bridge Rainbow Estate Complex 彩虹中心
Sabow Bridge
21 Zone 8


Highton Road Haisey Estate 海西邨
22 Third Street Haisey Point 海西角
East Door Port Bridge
23 Zone 7

(East Door)

East Door Bus Terminus 東門總站
24 East Door Port Road East Door Road 東門路
South Bay Road; StratRt3Axis Road
25 Zone 7


Axis Road Senpai 仙貝
26 Senpai Circle Senpai Shopping Centre 仙貝廣場
27 Senpai Library 仙貝圖書館
28 Senpai Hotel 仙貝酒店
29 Grayscale Centre 黑白中心
30 Axis Road International Tower 國際塔
31 Zone 7


Kamaya Circuit Kamaya Sports Field 鎌塔運動場
32 Axis Road Kamaya Garden 鎌塔花園
33 Zone 7

(Thousand Leaf)

Zone 7 Interchange (Westbound) 第七區轉車站 (西行)
StratRt3Leafy-Central Tunnel, Southern Central Road, Central-Western Bridge;
StratRt2Desire Bridge, Cross Island Highway (Dove Island Bypass) (Non-Stop)
34 Zone 1

(Dove Island)

Cross Island Road Dove Park 白鴿公園

Usage Status[]

This route caters solely to increased passenger demand on the morning of the Sunshine Marathon from Zone 7. Therefore, passenger loads will vary based on how close the trip departs to the start of the event.


